“LionLife” (Life EverLasting, Dandelion Root & Cinnamon Herbal Tea)


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Life Everlasting

Life Everlasting is a flowering plant that is native to South Carolina and belongs to the mint family; sometimes referred to as Rabbit Tobacco, but it contains no nicotine. Life Ever Everlasting has been traditionally used by many members of the Gullah/Geechee culture as an herbal remedy for sore throat, asthma, colds, congestion, flu and sore mouth.

Dandelion Root

Often mistaken as a ‘weed’, dandelion root was used for centuries by Indigenous Peoples. It can be helpful for blood and liver detox, kidney support, improved blood circulation, balancing blood sugar levels, improving digestion, and reducing inflammation.

To make tea, place the herbs (the more herbs you use, the blacker and stronger the tea!) in 1 cup of boiling water and cover (steep) for at least 5 minutes, or boil herbs in a small covered saucepan or tea kettle with strainer. Add honey or molasses to sweeten; add milk for a special treat. Enjoy 1-2 cups of LionLife a day, especially during cold and flu season!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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